Abelia Showy shrub that blooms in summer to fall, blooms often attract butterflies and bees, does well in sun to part shade in fertile well drained soil, can grow from 5’to 12’
Ajuga Several varieties but the purplish foliage and blue flowers is the most vigorous, loves full to partial shade, will take sun if watered, likes well drained soil, sends up blue spikes of flowers in the spring, my favorite ground cover
ALFALFA (mendicago sativa)The parts of the alfalfa plant that are used are its leaves. In the Middle East, alfalfa is known as the “father of all herbs.” Alfalfa is one of the most nutritious plants on earth and its leaves are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B-12, C, D, E and K. Alfalfa has also been found to contain all eight essential amino acids. It even contains fluoride which can help prevent tooth decay. Alfalfa is one of the highest fibrous herbs in existence and we are unable to digest its raw leaves. For centuries, Native Americans ground its seeds to be used as flour or boiled its leaves and ate them like greens
Larger upright shrub, blooms in summer and comes in many colors, we usually see the lavender
ALOE VERA (aloe barbadenis)
The parts of this plant that are used are its leaves. There are nearly 200 species of this member of the Lily family, found in African deserts and the islands of Aruba and Barbados. Since ancient times Aloe, recognized as an analgesic, has been used to treat burns. Aloe has also been used to treat other skin conditions such as scrapes, sunburns and insect bites. Aloe is a common ingredient in cosmetics and lotions because it naturally balances the pH of the skin. Internally, it has been used as a mild laxative and studies are being done on the use of aloe to enhance the immune system.
Artemisia – (Wormwood, Powis Castle, Silver King)
Several varieties are available in the artemisia family, gray foliage that provides a wonderful contrast to other plants, likes full sun but will take some shade, aromatic foliage, used to repel insects, nice wreath making material
Beautiful small shrub with greenish maroon evergreen foliage, there are many other varieties, stems have small spines, grows well in most any well drained soil in sun to partial shade
Bearded Iris
Sun to part shade, feed with a sprinkle of Epsom Salts, bone meal and blood meal in both spring and fall, divide often and make sure tubers are not deeply planted, you will have huge beautiful easy to care for plants
Bee Balm (Monarda didyma or Wild bergamot)
Wonderfully scented leaves, gather before bloom for fresh tea or dry for later use, blooms can also be gathered and dried. Bee balm is red and the native Wild bergamot blooms purple, blooms in late summer to fall and is a great hummingbird attractor.
Helps strengthen the heart & lungs; increases circulation.
Bridal Wreath Spirea
Blooms in spring in either sun or part shade, fern like foliage, drought tolerant, bushy and fast growing
Is an excellent blood purifier and cleanser; aids in healing skin blemishes, arthritis & rheumatism; promotes healthy kidney function.
CAPSICUM or Cayenne (capsicum frutescens)
The part of this plant that is used is its fruit. Capsicum or Cayenne, derived from chili peppers, is highly nutritious, containing Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins as well as iron, calcium, and phosphorous. The red color of many chili peppers is due to their high Vitamin A content. Traditionally, chili peppers have been used in condiments to promote digestion and are believed to cleanse the blood. Capsicum has also been used as a gargle to treat throat conditions and research is currently being done on its use as an anti-inflammatory and to relieve sore muscles.
Carolina Jessamine
Either sun or shade, evergreen foliage, yellow spring bloom
CASCARA SAGRADA or “sacred bark” (rhamnus purshiana)
The part of this tree that is used is its bark. This tree is native to the northwest Pacific Coast and has been used by many tribes of peoples indigenous to this region, stretching from British Columbia to California, as a remedy for constipation and upset stomachs. Cascara Sagrada is known worldwide as one of the best natural mild laxatives.
CHAMOMILE (anthemis nobilis - Roman, matricaria chamomilla - German)
The parts of the chamomile plant used are its flowers. Known as an ingredient in many teas, chamomile is used to relax, aid digestion, relieve headaches and help treat allergies. Chamomile is a popular remedy in France and Spain for gas and cramps of the stomach, to treat colic and to induce sleep. It is also a common ingredient in shampoos and perfumes.
Aids in healing skin blemishes, acne, arthritis & allergies; promotes hair growth; acts as a natural antibiotic within the body with no side effects.
Many varieties, roots like to be shaded or mulched very heavy to keep the roots cool, beautiful on a trellis, deciduous
Aids in healing respiratory ailments, anemia, arthritis, fractures, mucous membranes, lungs & wounds; it is soothing to the gastrointestinal tract; aids in cell proliferation; helps the pancreas in regulating blood sugar level; helps promote the secretion of pepsin & is a general aid to digestion.
Confederate Jasmine
Either sun or shade, evergreen, fragrant white spring bloom
Coral Honeysuckle
Best in full sun, will take afternoon shade, coral bloom in summer
Native to Texas, does best in sun, pink clusters of flowers in late summer and fall
Love full sun, feed as for iris’ above, I know some growers in the area, maybe we can take time to get some new plants
Is the most effective blood & lymphatic cleanser in the botanical kingdom; its acts as a natural antibiotic and works like penicillin in the body with no side effects; aids in reducing fever, infections, bad breath & mucous buildup.
English Ivy
Dark green shade loving foliage, makes great ground cover, can be invasive but is easy to control under a tree or large open area. Drought tolerant
EUPHRASIA (euphrasia officinalis)
Euphrasia (euphrasia officinalis) or eyebright is an herb the name of which comes from the Greek word euphrosyne which means “gladness.” Euphrasia has been used for centuries for various eye problems. It is also used topically, mixed with other herbs to treat conjunctivitis and other inflammations or as an eyewash.
Flowering Quince
Deciduous spring blooming shrub, found mostly in coral color but also comes in white, pink and red, blooms best in sun, responds to pruning
FO TI (polygonum multiflorum)
The part of this plant used is its root. Fo Ti is second only to ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine. Fo Ti, according to Chinese legend, was used by a 58 year old man who ate it and then fathered many children. It has been used to tread colic, enteritis or the inflammation of the intestines, gout and hemorrhoids. Research is being done on its use to lower cholesterol and to aid in the acceptance of organ transplants.
Blooms yellow in spring on bare arching branches, does well in sun to part shade, roots in water
French Hollyhock (Mallow family)
Grows up to 3’, space about 12” apart, likes sun to partial shade, seeds back readily and is also known as a perennial. Small purple to lavender flowers all up and down the spike that can be used in salads.
GARLIC (allium sativum)
Garlic cloves have been used for thousands of years and their use has been recorded in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Japan, India, Russia and Europe. Garlic was dedicated by Roman soldiers to Mars, their god of war. It has been used to ward off demons. It has been known as “Russian penicillin” and has been used to treat ear infections, cholera and typhus. Known as a natural anti-biotic, garlic was used during both world wars to disinfect wounds. This anti-oxidant is also believed to help lower cholesterol. Garlic contains an antimicrobial agent known as allicin and can easily be added to many foods. Research is now being done on the treatment of cancers with garlic.
INGER (zangiber officinale)The rhizome of ginger is used not only as a flavoring for drinks like ginger ale but has also been used as an herbal remedy for asthma and coughs related to inflammation or allergies. There are over 80 species of ginger, historically found in China, Japan, Australia and Hawaii. Ginger has been used to treat nausea, indigestion, cramps, migraine headaches and to lower blood cholesterol and as a cleanser.GINSENG (panax ginseng)“All healing.” In the Ginseng family there are American, Korean, Chinese and Siberian ginsengs. A Chinese text dating from the First Century A.D. describes ginseng as “enlightening to the mind and increasing the wisdom.” Russian folklore promotes ginseng as a stimulant and immunity booster. Ginseng is believed to enhance physical and mental endurance, increase energy, reduce cholesterol, to support adrenal function, to reduce stress and regulate blood sugar.
Goldstrum Rudbeckia
Black eyed susan type bloom 3-5”, grows in clumps and is great to use in a bed or naturalize in a meadow, drought tolerant
GOTU KOLA (hydrocotyle asiatica or centella asiatica)
The whole gotu kola plant has been widely used in India and Fiji to treat skin inflammations, to improve blood circulation, to aid in the treatment of bloating, congestion and depression. A Sinhalese proverb says “Two leaves a day keep old age away.”
HAWTHORNE BERRIES (crataegus oxyacantha)
The parts of the Hawthorne tree used are its flowers, leaves and berries. Rich in bioflavonoids, hawthorne berries have been used for thousands of years in China to treat indigestion and is widely known as a diuretic. Since the 17th century, hawthorne has been used to treat various heart conditions and today is believed to lower blood pressure.
Regulates blood pressure, purifies the blood & promotes circulation, excellent aid for the eyes, hoarseness, lungs, mucous buildup, nervous disorders and skin problems.
Horsemint (monarda family, bergamot)
Has purple flowers on strong upright spikes in late summer, a tough wildflower that prefers drained soil on the dry side, plant seed late summer thru fall, leaves have a strong lemony fragrance when bruised, used for insect control, rub leaves on pant legs to repel chiggers, Horsemint is mentioned in the Bible.
Indian Blanket
Most people do not realize this is a perennial, blooms spring to fall
Indian Hawthorn
Spring flowering scented shrub that blooms in sun but will take part shade, has evergreen foliage and blue berries in the fall, likes well drained but fertile soil, can grow up to 5’-6’.
Tough evergreen shrub that has about 50-60 species, there are several prostrate types that make wonderful groundcover in dry areas with poor soil, you will enjoy looking at the many types available in all shapes and sizes
Lady Banksia
Spring blooming yellow or white climbing rose, sun loving but will take part shade, very popular, disease and insect resistant
Lamb’s Ear
Likes well drained soil in full sun, good contrast plant, blooms in late summer with pink to purple flowers, also known as Betony or Woundwort
Many colors make sure you try the purple trailing one; I like it in front of the taller variety, feed with a balanced fertilizer every 3 weeks
Expels mucous from the respiratory tract aids in healing hoarseness, hypoglycemia, coughs & constipation; promotes healthy adrenal glands; acts as a sexual stimulant; helps increase endurance & vitality; helps in reducing skin blemishes (age spots).
Either sun or shade, several varieties available (variegated stripe, big blue and gigantic), grass like foliage, monkey grass family, blue spikes of flowers, beautiful in clumps, drought tolerant, only care is to cut back old foliage in winter or early spring
A stimulant of the adrenal glands; helps increase energy level; aids in healing asthma, bronchitis, lung, coughs & congestive disorders.
Mermaid Rose
Vigorous climber, gets very large if not pruned, disease and insect resistant, drought tolerant, large whitish-yellow single petal blooms, very fragrant
Mexican Blue Sage (Central Texas sage, I think)
Gray-green dusty foliage that blooms throughout summer, drought tolerant, I think is growing at Brookshires in Daingerfield.
Mexican Bush Sage (salvia leucantha)
Grows to at least 40” on gray-green foliage, blooms in late summer with velvety white and purple, great to cut and dry, keeps color well
Mock Orange
Upright shrub that blooms on long branches in spring, blooms resemble a dogwood but have more petals, very scented and drought tolerant once established
A bone, flesh and cartilage builder; aids in healing respiratory ailments, asthma, bronchitis, diarrhea, sinus congestion; soothing to any inflammation and relieves pain; acts to relieve spasms & clears the lungs.
old time “pass along” shrub, easy to propagate, beautiful fall foliage and red berries. I often use the foliage to decorate tables with in the winter.
I am not familiar with this plant but it is supposed to be spectacular, grown for its flowers, pink spring to fall, either sun or shade, likes well drained soil and makes a large 3-4’shrub, would be a great one to look for
Perennial Verbena
Wonderful trailing splash of color plant, must have lots of sun to bloom well, spreads to cover a large area, best if mulched in winter
Comes in many varieties but we know the “Red tip” to be most common, evergreen and showy, dense and bushy, grows up to 15’ high, makes a good hedge
Dense shrub with leathery leaves similar to photinia but in whorls or sunburst-like clusters, grows to 12’ in most cases, likes well drained soil in sun to part shade, most have spring bloom, there is also a variegated pittosporum.
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea)
Likes the sun but mine bloom is some shade, large clumps are beautiful, I cut mine back after they bloom for another set of flowers, seed and divide in the fall, small transplants can be made year around, does not like to be over watered
Rosa x fortuniana
Fragrant white flowers, vigorous climber, disease and insect resistant
ROSE HIPS (rosa canina)
Britain during World War II to prevent scurvy during a shortage of citrus fruit. Since then, rose hips have been used as a source of Vitamin C and in fact, have up to 60 times the Vitamin C of citrus fruit as well as containing the bioflavonoids that aid in the absorption of Vitamin C. Used to fight infection & curb stress. It is the highest herb in Vitamin C content and contains the entire C-Complex.
Salvia Greggii (cherry sage, autumn sage)
Sun to part shade, hummingbirds love it, blooms on old dead-looking wood, only prune when out of control or you will cut off the blooms to come, drought tolerant, disease and bug resistant, red, pink, salmon or white
Sambac Jasmine
Tropical, does best in a pot but is worth the trouble, fragrant bloom all summer, only edible jasmine bloom, (do not eat other jasmines) wonderful in tea, makes a large up-right to trailing plant that you can train up on a trellis or let trail over the pot.
SARSAPARILLA (smilax officinalis)
The part of this plant used is its root. Sarsaparilla is the herbal ingredient in root beer. Chinese, Native Americans and Europeans have used the sarsaparilla root boiled in water to treat a variety of urinary tract disorders, as a diuretic and has been used to treat coughs, arthritis and as an anti-inflammatory for rheumatism.
Silverlace Vine
Fluffy masses of white flowers, vigorous growth, either sun or shade
Is an algae containing 65 - 70% protein; it contains 26 times the Calcium of milk; also contains phosphorous & niacin and is far more nutritious than any known food; used for rejuvenation & weight reduction; an excellent blood and colon cleanser; very high in Vitamin B12 content.
Texas Columbine
Likes sun to part shade, blooms yellow in spring, remind me to collect some seed from mine, will grow as a wild flower but I prefer to raise it in a bed
Texas Mountain Laurel
I have yet to put in this plant, it has been recommended to me several times, a large tree-like evergreen shrub that blooms purple clusters in the spring, looks similar to a lilac, grows in either sun or part shade, likes a dry climate and flowers well after long hot summers, works well for a shrub border or specimen plant
Texas Star Hibiscus
Easy to grow from seed or root division, showy red bloom all summer, prefers full sun for best bloom, hibiscus flowers are edible (use only the petals not the reproductive parts) beautiful in salads or to color a tea
Turk’s Cap
Grows and blooms in shade to sun, easy to start from seed or softwood cuttings in late summer, also can be divided from roots, blooms a beautiful red cap on tall branches in summer, attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and beneficial insects
Vinca Major
Shade to partial shade, easily covers large areas with evergreen foliage in our area, blue flowers in late spring to early summer
Virginia Creeper
Either sun or shade, the five-leaf plant the people mistake for poison ivy, makes a great ground cover, inexpensive because it grows all over East Texas, beautiful red foliage in fall
Vitex (Chaste tree)
Blooms in summer and resembles butterfly bush with purple or white flowers grows to a small branchy tree, produces a berry that has been used as a pepper substitute, in medicinal use the berries are used to make a tea treating both male and female hormone imbalances.
Winter Honeysuckle
Does well in sun or part shade, begins to bloom in mid winter with small white and yellow blooms, a large shrub with easy to prune canopy, a wonderful addition to the winter garden
Feathery foliage with a pleasant fragrance, produces white, yellow or pink clusters of flowers with a flat top, harvest flowers for drying at peak bloom or they will mold in the garden, ground or chopped foliage can be used as a healing poultice or to stop bleeding, does well in well drained soil in sun to part shade
A nutritive tonic, high in Iron and useful in treating anemia; also nourishes the spleen and liver, thus, being effective for the treatment of Jaundice, Lymphatic problems & skin eruptions; strengthens, cleanses & tones the entire body; excellent for boils, ulcers, wounds, and cleansing the blood.
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